1. The Basics · Project Reality Manual
Kit selection & spawning · Health Management · Reviving
Most importantly you should join a squad. Some servers even enforce it up by kicking solo players after a warning period. The game is far more enjoyable when playing in a functioning squad. If you need any help, just ask players in your squad what to do. If possible use Mumble. It is commonly used in PR. Playing PR:BF2 without a microphone will not give you the full experience so it’s a wise investment. If no one answers, try joining another squad or use general chat. There are many helping community members around who welcome new players and give them a hand.
2. PR Controls - Project Reality Forums
W is reload, Mouse2 is move fwd. Mouse 3 is alt fire, mouse 4 and 5 are weapon selectors. I am do to remap though, as I have found several of my closest keys ...
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3. Key Legend / List of (Default) Key Bindings - Project Reality Forums
If you already have customised controls it should be possible to copy the the controls file in your profile folder, return the keys to default, take the SS then ...
I'm trying to find a Key Legend for all the default keys in PR. Like you know, when you go to the store, and buy a game, take it home, open the box, take out the instruction manual, and in the back, there's a list of all the actions you can perform in the game, as well as the associated default key binding for them.
4. Optimized Controls Layout - Project Reality Forums
Commo Rose (default: Q) = ALT left. Although it takes some time to get used to it I can totally recommend these controlls. EDIT: You can also use the other map ...
You can map your layout by categories on the keyboard. I use my old WASD keys for movement, but i've moved it all the way to TFGH so I have more keys to use.
5. Beginner's Guide | ProjectReality Wiki - Fandom
System Requirements · Joining your First Multiplayer...
Project Reality may seem like a complex and difficult game at first, but once the basics are learned, the game will likely leave you an ever-lasting impression that'll have you coming back for more. Project Reality is a standalone mod of Battlefield 2, a 2005 video game. Most computers are able to at least run Project Reality. However, in order to play Project Reality smoothly and increase immersion, your rig should meet or exceed the recommended system requirements. Remember that you can alway
6. Error detected: default controls restored.... - Project Reality Forums
As I understand it, it means that your controls has been restored to the default layout, for example Push-to-talk is B, 3D map is Left Alt, etc. etc. If you're ...
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7. Optimized Controls Layout - Page 2 - Project Reality Forums
Feb 18, 2016 · I would recommend you get a mouse with a few programable buttons and then you wont need to fish around on the keyboard for chat keys
You can map your layout by categories on the keyboard. I use my old WASD keys for movement, but i've moved it all the way to TFGH so I have more keys to use.
8. Operating Vehicles - Manual - Project Reality
By holding the commo-rose (default: Q), the gunner can dial into the desired range by increasing or subtracting the indicated range. He can also reset the gun ...
To land in PR:BF2 you need to plan ahead much longer than in BF2. Here are some tips on how to make your first landings easier:
9. Set-Up · Project Reality Manual
Default Game Controls ; E, Enter / Exit vehicle or emplacement ; WASD, Basic movement ; Left Ctrl, Crouch (hold) ; Z, Toggle prone.
*For GPU on that level of performance disable 'Use Advanced Shaders' in the PR Launcher's graphics options.
10. Project Reality 2 (Game) - Giant Bomb
Project Reality 2 is the canceled sequel to the Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2.
11. Project Reality | ProjectReality Wiki - Fandom
Project Reality (abbreviated to PR) is a modification]] for the video game Battlefield 2 on PC ... The Command and Control mode removes all control points ...
Project Reality (abbreviated to PR) is a modification]] for the video game Battlefield 2 on PC. Project Reality's aim is to use the game engine, developed by DICE, to create a more realistic combat environment than standard Battlefield 2, and place a greater emphasis on teamwork and cooperation. The game mechanics in Project Reality have been greatly modified from standard Battlefield 2 in order to provide for more realistic gameplay. Project Reality features five game modes. Two of the game mod
12. BF2S Forums Duplicate keys in common controls
Mar 8, 2008 · Make a copy of your controls.con file first (most likely in My Documents/Battlefield 2/Profiles/001) before you set controls to default, just in ...
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13. Game Modes · Project Reality Manual
In contrast to regular Battlefield 2, the ticket bleed penalty is much ... Tickets are only influenced by how many CPs a team controls. Vehicles that ...
Project Reality:BF2 features 7 different game modes with different objectives. The common goal of all game modes is to reduce the enemy team's reinforcement points (also referred to as tickets) to zero. In most game modes this is achieved by wounding and killing enemies, destroying their vehicles and by capturing their control points. Colored map markers indicate your current objectives in each game mode.
14. Monsta's Guide to Understanding Project Reality BF:2 - Other Games
Jul 17, 2016 · I will go into detail about some advanced controls that may or may not be of use to some of you. Pressing the “C” key by default will change ...
So you probably saw Pun’s post regarding PR: BF2, but when you get it all set up, it’s difficult to understand! Don’t worry! Let the Monsta show you how to professionally navigate PR, the simple way. (This is for Dakotta, but you can use it too if you want to) Joining a server When you start PR: BF2 after updating it, it seems almost like every other game start screen. However, there are different options to click on. For starters, just ignore a few things. If you want to tweak your controls ...
15. ArmA 2 vs Project reality? - Bohemia Interactive Forums
Nov 4, 2009 · ... control a group(platoon), you can buy every type of soldier ... ArmA 2 vs Project reality? Theme. Bohemia (Default). Dark. Privacy ...
Hi! I am a really big fan of realism games or just true stratic games. I love to play on big servers with lots of people with an unfogiving game and lots of teamwork. The games i have played to date that have this functions in fps are project reality (BF2 mod), söldner (only played like the demo...
16. MRTK2 profile configuration guide - MRTK 2 - Microsoft Learn
Aug 2, 2022 · ... Reality project, defining the generic clipping, quality and transparency settings. ... project which is selected by default. Input System ...
Documentation to configure MRTK into Unity.
17. BF2FreeLook - Battlefield 2 view control - FreeTrack Forum
Sep 2, 2011 · Controls can be remapped to mouse, keyboard and joystick buttons, allowing classic joystick POV hat switch view control. Press Esc to unmap, ...
18. Project Reality - VETERANS-GAMING
[poll] Project Reality 1 2. By =VG= BLuDKLoT, July 16, 2011 at 02:30 AM. 39 ... NEW_-_VETERANS-GAMING_Brave_4.7.13 (Default). Privacy Policy · Cookies.
Project Reality information and discussion.